For the last 20 years I have owned my studio. Every year we would close down from Christmas Eve to the day after the New Year. It was a great break for both the team and for myself. At night during that time I would sit and think about the things we did right and the things we did wrong, wondering what the new year would bring. Sometimes out the blue I would just start writing things down, ideas, plans of action, etc. I’d often come up with ideas for changes in the new year to make our studio stronger. 
It was one of those nights that I came up with the outline below.  I just felt the need to talk to art students and let them know, "I've been where you're going!" and try to give them some insight into what is ahead for them. I've been around and have seen a lot during my time in the business. I don't think I want to be a full time teacher but I really do want to travel to schools and share what I know. What I envisioned was a one hour assembly for Juniors majoring in Art & Design. 
This would be a presentation and a free exchange, ending with a Q/A. I chose Juniors because even though they are getting ready to get out into the mix, they still have time to make changes or adjustments before they graduate. After the presentation I would then meet with 6 students that have been chosen by the faculty for one-on-one portfolio review/critique, evaluation and advisement.
Topics Covered

It’s all about taste.  If you don’t know what good is how can you be good?
How to pay your dues
Usage.  What is it?  Why is it important to me?
Great work + Great experience= SUCCESS
Save someone time and money and they’ll love you forever…until you mess up.
“Your only as good as your last job”  Still true…Always true.
You gotta LOOOOVVVEE it!!
Making the transition from doing what YOU want 
to doing something that someone else wants and is paying you for.

To be a specialist or not to be.
Employers:  What can you do for me?
How to interview
How to sell yourself and your work
You’re a professional…Act like it!
There are no right or wrong answers only opinions.  How to deal with creative by committee.
“I don’t know how to do it but I’ll figure it out”
This too shall pass.
Honesty and Integrity even if it’s hard sometimes.

So many jobs your parents didn’t even know about.   There’s always room for talent. 
This is a FANTASTIC business!  Love it and protect it.
What is a studio vs a freelancer?
ABL  (Always be learning)

What does “experience” really mean and how do you get it.  Like a fine wine it takes time.
The psychology and politics of the game (put yourself in their shoes)
Know what your talking about.  They’ll know if you don’t.
Check your EGO at the door. 
For questions or to schedule a visit call Marc Rochon at 678-592-9911 or email me at
Thank you!
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